
That's great! Foreign workers can apply for permanent residence!

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2023-08-21

As we all know, the application conditions for permanent residence in China are quite harsh, and the materials to be submitted are also extremely complex.

There are four categories of foreigners who can apply for permanent residence: employment, investment, special contribution and relatives. So, what are the requirements for applying for employment permanent residence?


Permanent Residence

Foreigners must work continuously in China for at least four years and live in China for at least six months each year.

(Foreigners are required to have a legal work visa and residence permit. If you have to leave China under special circumstances, you can apply to the public security organ to extend the period of residence.)


Permanent Residence

Foreigners who work in China are subject to individual income tax.


Permanent Residence

Foreigners are required to own their own residence in China, which can be either a purchased property or a rented residence.


Permanent Residence

Foreigners must abide by Chinese laws and regulations and must not have criminal records or bad credit records.


Permanent Residence

Foreigners should maintain good work records and stable working conditions in China.

<<< What are the application materials submitted to the public security organ? >>>

Application form, passport, residence permit, personal income tax certificate, residence certificate, social credit record certificate, etc. Translation in both Chinese and English, notarized and certified.

Kindly contact SOLUTIONS if you are interested in work permit visa or a permanent residence.

Hurry now text me and make a step to your future in China.

If you need any more information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.


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